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Financial Policy

[Dr. Angela Wandera hugging a patient


Most dental insurance companies respond to claims within 2-4 weeks. For accounts that have balances after insurance reimbursement, a statement will be sent to the parent/guardians/responsible party's registered address. Your payment is expected promptly and the due date is marked on the statement.

If your insurance company does not process your claim within 60 days, you may be billed directly for the full fee. To ensure prompt processing, please ensure you provide the correct insurance information. You are also encouraged to check the status of your claim with your insurance company.

Please note that insurance is a contract between you/your employer and the insurance company. You are ultimately and fully responsible for all fees and charges regardless of your insurance coverage.


Overpayments will be refunded to the appropriate party. Patient refunds will not be processed until all insurance processing is finalized. Refunds less than $10.00 will be issued upon request.

Payment Plans

Payment arrangements may be authorized by and made with the Office Manager.

If you cannot pay your balance in full, please contact the office to make a mutually agreeable plan.


As a courtesy, the office sends reminders if accounts are overdue. After unsuccessful in-office communication, delinquent accounts are turned over to an independent collection agency. You are responsible for all collection costs, legal fees and court costs.

If you have any questions, please give our office a call at 952-941-7393.
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Dr. Angela Wandera Orthodontics & Pediatrics, 8785 Columbine Rd., Eden Praire, MN 55344 : 952-941-7393 : : 2/5/2025 : Associated Words: dentist Eden Praire MN :