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Preventive Dentistry

Child sitting in dental chair holding a toothbrush in his mouthPrevention is the key to a healthy and beautiful smile, especially for children. At Dr. Angela Wandera & Associates, we specialize in several preventive services to help your child maintain excellent oral health.

Cleanings, Exams, & X-rays

Cleanings, exams, and x-rays are the backbone of preventive dentistry. Professional cleanings can reduce or eliminate plaque and tartar (calcified plaque) deposits. Diagnostic tools like x-rays allow us to catch instances of decay and gum disease before they result in major complications.

Lap Exam / Age 1 to 2 visits

The American Dental Association (ADA) states that a child should receive a professional evaluation by their first birthday, or by the time their first tooth erupts. Proper infant dental care can prevent early instances of tooth decay and gum disease. It also helps us catch and correct development issues before they cause major problems for their permanent teeth.

Importance of Fluoride for Oral Health

Fluoride treatment is a routine part of pediatric dentistry. Despite popular misconceptions, fluoride can be immensely beneficial to your child’s oral health. This naturally occurring mineral can strengthen enamel and even reverse minor instances of decay. Dr. Angela Wandera will assess the need for fluoride treatment during your child’s initial appointment.

Diet and Nutrition Tips

Diet and nutrition can have enormous effects on your child’s oral health. Without the right vitamins and minerals, they may be at risk for development issues, tooth decay, and even gum disease. We here at Dr. Angela Wandera can provide you and your child with the education needed to avoid these potential problems.


Another beneficial way to protect your child’s teeth from cavities is through the use of sealants. We apply BPA-free sealants to the biting surfaces of back molars and any areas where there are deep grooves and pits. If your child is at risk for cavities, Dr. Wandera will let you know if applying sealants would be a useful process.

Oral Hygiene

A large part of preventive pediatric care is education. As your child develops, it is your job to help them establish proper oral hygiene habits. During their appointment, we can help show you the proper brushing and flossing techniques. We strive to instill a sense of importance while making it fun and enjoyable for your child.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to find out more about our preventive services, our team is happy to help. Call 952-941-7393 to schedule your child’s initial consultation today!
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Dr. Angela Wandera Orthodontics & Pediatrics, 8785 Columbine Rd., Eden Praire, MN 55344 - 952-941-7393 - - 12/31/2024 - Tags: dentist Eden Praire MN -